EP Review: Greg Puciato – FC5N

“Heaven is what we make together.”

Greg Puciato – FC5N
January 12th, 2024
Alternative Rock / Metal
Federal Prisoner
Los Angeles, California, USA

Kicking off the year with a bit of a shock, former The Dillinger Escape Plan vocalist Greg Puciato, who has since been embarking on a solo career as both a guest vocalist on multiple other recordings (such as Carpenter Brut’s latest record), as well as putting out his own creative works, surprise released a new EP. This latest offering from the mathcore vocalist turned alt rock crooner is entitled FC5N and features a few cuts that were previously released on his last live recording. Normally I find such releases pointless, but here I think it works. These five cuts go well enough together to justify releasing them on their own in a self-contained recording.

The EP opens with “You, Staring at Me, Staring at You”, which is a short, minute long ethereal, atmospheric intro track that sounds like it borrows some of the sonic elements from the Silent Hill soundtracks. Its a cozy little piece but ultimately it doesn’t really add much to the overall package, and I could take it or leave it. From there we cut into the actual meat of this EP, starting with “Absence as a Presence”.

From here on you’ll find that this EP has a significant amount of variety to offer the listener. Each of these remaining four songs have their own vibe. “Absence as a Presence” is a slow, deliberate, punchy piece of sludge-adjacent alt metal, whereas “Don’t Wanna Deal” is a much more upbeat, metalcore-influenced alt rock anthem that begs to be blasted at max volume. “Crazy All Around” is significantly quieter and atmospheric, with Puciato playing his instrumentals and vocals close to his chest. In some regards this cut almost sounds like something I’d expect more out of Chelsea Wolfe or Emma Ruth Rundle. It’s a lush soundscape with some gorgeous guitar work and subtle drums, which of course explodes in a wonderful crescendo near the end. “Lying at the Bottom of the Sky” continues the subtle, quiet vibes, though it’s perhaps a bit too saccharine for my personal tastes. Instrumentally it reminds of the softer works of Devin Townsend, which usually isn’t a bad thing in my books.

The production on this thing is excellent. Every detail of the instrumentals and the vocals are captured with stunning clarity, and it plays so well to this style of heavy and loud music. This EP really surprised me with its excellent songwriting, magnificent attention to detail, and overall catchy, memorable, impactful vibes. I could scarcely think of a better way to start of 2024 than with something that captures the essence of what makes modern heavy music great without relying on tired tropes or cynically cashing in.

Final Verdict: 4/5

Favourite Tracks:
“Absence as a Presence”
“Don’t Wanna Deal”
“Crazy All Around”

~ Akhenaten

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