Live from the Pit: Sanguisugabogg @ Foufounes Electriques – 05/09/2024

Sanguisugabogg @ Foufounes Electriques
w/ Jesus Piece, Peeling Flesh, Gag
May 9th, 2024
Extensive Enterprise
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Sangusiugabogg have undoubtedly had one of the most meteoric rises in the world of underground death metal over the past couple of years. The band cropped up on my radar a few years ago and I’ve only continued to hear about them as hype over their name and their first couple of releases has refused to die down. They’ve made their way through Montreal a couple of times now but this was the first time I was able to catch them, and with Jesus Piece as well, no less.

The first band to take the stage was called Gag, a hardcore act from Seattle who I had not heard of before. However, knowing that Peeling Flesh was also on the bill I figured that Gag was probably more of a hardcore-leaning act to balance out the headliners who themselves were death metal and hardcore respectively. Their music was fast, cutting, and in your face. It took little to no time at all to get the crowd riled up with spin kicks, kick flips, flipped fists, and fist flips. I don’t even know what those last two are. I just made them up. But did they happen? Definitely.

Following Gag it was time for Peeling Flesh. I had heard of this band before but never really listened to them. However, given the name, I felt it was reasonable to assume their genre as death metal, and lo and behold I was correct. Their performance was tight as fuck, loud as hell, and chock full of extremely groovy riffs. People were already warmed up from Gag but when Peeling Flesh started the crowd really started to go nuts. People were stage diving and crowd surfing like I’ve never seen before at Foufs, jumping off the stage and grabbing onto the railing that led upwards to the balcony above, swinging off it like parkour-crazed monkeys. It was hilarious and enthralling, absolutely suited the crushing, dumbed down riffage of Peeling Flesh’s ignorant-as-hell brand of slam.

After Peeling Flesh it was time for Jesus Piece. Again I’ve heard Jesus Piece’ name around the way, and I’ve listened to them here and there, but never really got into them. Like Sanguisugabogg they’ve rolled through Montreal a few times but I’d missed their shows up until now. When they started playing the crowd started acting up again. The mosh pits went nuts and people had zero chill when the Piece’s raucous hardcore riffage slammed into full speed. I really liked the overall aggression and loudness of their set, just chock full of tons of catchy riffs that would inspire even the most limp concert goer to bang their head.

Finally it was time for the main act: Sanguisugabogg. When the ‘Bogg took the stage you could really feel the love from the crowd. The hootin’ and hollerin’ went up a notch as the audience salivated for their three course meal of dumb-as-fuck slam riffs, gurgling growls, and nasty, gnarly drumming. Indeed the off-the-walls insanity displayed by the crowd during Peeling Flesh and Jesus Piece only increased in severity and frequency, all spurred on by the ‘Bogg’s vocalist who encouraged the audience to start push pits and stage dive as much as possible. They ripped through their set, playing what are sure to be classics such as “Dead as Shit” and “Black Market Vasectomy”, and the crowd, including my partner and I, loved every second of it, even down to the nasty skull-crack I received during my one and only excursion into the pit on this evil eve.

I’m stoked that I finally got a chance to catch Sanguisugabogg live, as well as Jesus Piece, Peeling Flesh, and Gag, even though I was less familiar with those artists. All of the bands that played this show absolutely crushed their set. The performances were flawless, the energy from the crowd was palpable, and the show even started and ended at a reasonable hour so I could spend an hour stuck in traffic afterwords! All in all, fantastic night, would absolutely go see any of these acts again.

~ Akhenaten

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