EP Review: Motorwolf – Burnin’ Daze

Motorwolf – Burnin’ Daze
September 20th, 2020
Speed Metal
Independently Released
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Motorwolf is one the most exciting newer acts to crop up in Montreal in recent memory. Originally hailing from Vancouver, British Columbia, the recent expat to the metal capital of Canada Alys Stobbart is the sole person behind this project which has since evolved into a four piece live band that puts on one hell of a stage show. Dressed in leather and lingerie, the band brings a real old school 80’s vibe to the stage that goes perfectly in line with their style of revivalist speed metal.

Burnin’ Daze is the only thing the band has released so far, a three song EP that clocks in at about 20 minutes. Despite the nature of speed metal and the ferocity at which these tracks blaze along, it’s a surprisingly meaty release that offers riff after riff of captivating heavy metal worship. Alys’ riff game is just as strong as her vocal chops, and when this is combined with some raw-as-fuck rock n’ roll drumming it makes for one hell of a ripping record.

From the very first song on here, “Spitfire Vengeance”, we’re given a taste of the near-thrash levels of speed that Motorwolf achieve. The guitars blaze along, giving no quarter to the listeners, while Alys screams out with a surprising degree of vocal range. She’ll hit you with a high pitched Halford-esque scream one minute, then dazzle you moments that sound a bit like the lower end of King Diamond’s range.

Where this EP absolutely grips me though is in the sheer quality of the songwriting on here. Despite being 7 minutes in length, “In the Name of the Law” transitions through several different movements that all feel related to one another. It’s incredibly consistent, and whether the song is blasting a metalized blues chord progression or melting your face with utterly shredding solos, it keeps things cohesive and concise while retaining a great degree of variety.

Even the production on here, which by some folks’ standards probably isn’t amazing, is exactly what I want from this brand of heavy metal. It’s raw as hell and sounds like it was recorded on some old piece of equipment that could barely hold things together. It truly feels like some lost EP from the late 70’s or 80’s that was dug up from someone’s attic, coated in dust and cobwebs, but containing untold wealth within.

Motorwolf really are one of my favourite bands to emerge from Montreal in the past few years. They do exactly what I want them to do with regards to speed metal revivalism. They know what makes this style of music kick endless amounts of ass and they do it nothing but justice. Ripping solos, badass riffs, and a flawless vocal performance filled with rock n’ roll goodness. If you don’t know Motorwolf, fix that problem.

Final Verdict: 4/5

Favourite Tracks:
“Spitfire Vengeance”
“In the Name of the Law”

~ Akhenaten

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