Live from the Pit: Wayfarer @ Piranha Bar – 05/16/2024

Wayfarer @ Piranha Barw/ Sonja, ValdrinMay 16th, 2024Extensive EnterpriseMontreal, Quebec, Canada I'm always quick to admit when I'm not super familiar with an artist. I had heard the name Wayfarer around the way and may have even heard a song or two from them over the years, but I'd never delved into their discography at … Continue reading Live from the Pit: Wayfarer @ Piranha Bar – 05/16/2024

Album Review: Blackbraid – Blackbraid I

Deep in the heart of a forgotten hemlock forest, a stream flows swiftly over ancient weathered stones." Blackbraid - Blackbraid IAugust 26th, 2022Atmospheric Black MetalIndependently ReleasedAdirondack Mountains, New York, USA Much ado was made about Blackbraid in various circles of the metal-centric internet earlier this year when the one man band dropped their debut full … Continue reading Album Review: Blackbraid – Blackbraid I

EP Review: Spider God – Ett fr​ä​mmande spr​å​k / A Foreign Tongue

Spider God - Ett fr​ä​mmande spr​å​k / A Foreign TongueApril 1st, 2022Melodic Black MetalIndependently ReleasedUnited Kingdom Hailing from the United Kingdom, I first came across Spider God earlier this year thanks to recommendations from folks over on Metal Twitter. Needless to say, as goes their typical flawless streak of suggestions, I was no doubt stunned … Continue reading EP Review: Spider God – Ett fr​ä​mmande spr​å​k / A Foreign Tongue

Live from the Pit: Conan @ Foufounes Electriques – 10/27/2022

Conan @ Foufounes ElectriquesW/ Dopethrone, WiltOctober 27th, 2022 Is there any band in the doom metal world that is heavier than Conan? Wait, don't answer that. I'm sure someone will come up with some example of a band that pretends to be heavier than Liverpool's own, but in my opinion, very few artists come close. … Continue reading Live from the Pit: Conan @ Foufounes Electriques – 10/27/2022

Album Review: Abigail Williams – Walk Beyond the Dark

Abigail Williams - Walk Beyond the Dark November 15th, 2019 Atmospheric Black Metal Blood Music Phoenix, Arizona, USA Abigail Williams is a band that holds a very special place in my heart for a multitude of reasons. When I was but a wee burgeoning metalhead they were one of the first black metal bands I was … Continue reading Album Review: Abigail Williams – Walk Beyond the Dark