Live from the Pit: Wayfarer @ Piranha Bar – 05/16/2024

Wayfarer @ Piranha Barw/ Sonja, ValdrinMay 16th, 2024Extensive EnterpriseMontreal, Quebec, Canada I'm always quick to admit when I'm not super familiar with an artist. I had heard the name Wayfarer around the way and may have even heard a song or two from them over the years, but I'd never delved into their discography at … Continue reading Live from the Pit: Wayfarer @ Piranha Bar – 05/16/2024

Album Review: Sonja – Loud Arriver

"Danger and desire keep me alive..." Sonja - Loud ArriverSeptember 23rd, 2022Traditional Heavy Metal / Goth RockCruz del Sur MusicPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, USA In 2020 the well known American black metal outfit Absu split up, with guitarist Melissa Moore, a transgender woman, citing transphobia from her bandmates as one of (but not the only) reason for … Continue reading Album Review: Sonja – Loud Arriver