Live from the Pit: 1349 @ Le Studio TD – 05/21/2024

1349 @ Le Studio TDw/ Spectral Wound, Antichrist Siege Machine, Spirit PossessionMay 21st, 2024Extensive EnterpriseMontreal, Quebec, Canada When I got home from work yesterday I was pooped, and I strongly debated whether or not to just lie down and rest for the remainder of the evening or go out to a sick as hell black … Continue reading Live from the Pit: 1349 @ Le Studio TD – 05/21/2024

Album Review: Profane Order – One Nightmare Unto Another

Profane Order - One Nightmare Unto AnotherJanuary 27th, 2023War MetalNuclear War Now! ProductionsMontreal, Quebec, Canada Returning from the blighted realms of the frostbitten north, Montreal's Profane Order have sundered forth with another offering of colossal, cacophonous brutality with their sophomore record, One Nightmare Unto Another, and if any of those descriptors made your ears perk … Continue reading Album Review: Profane Order – One Nightmare Unto Another